Youth Programs In Schools
Through the generosity of donations, sponsorships, and grants, The Waldo has designed two programs to bring theatre arts directly into schools and the students into the theatre! If you are a principal, teacher, or parent interested in having The Waldo work with your students, please explore all of our educational offerings below or simply email us at
An interactive, in-classroom experience, that teaches students the FUNdamentals of theatre while also developing skills in writing, collaboration, and problem solving. For 16-weeks, professional Teaching Artists join your classroom once per week to lead students in a series of engaging games and activities while they work together to create and perform their very own play. The course culminates with a live performance on the Waldo stage for invited friends and family. The program is designed to reinforce Maine’s Language and Theatre Arts standards as well as address the development of vital social emotional skills.

A 1-week arts-integrated theatre program designed to enhance a curricular area of the classroom’s choice.
ClassACT is an arts-integrated theatre program designed to enhance a curricular area of the classroom’s choice. Topic areas can be chosen from any classroom curricula including but not limited to social studies, math, ELA, and science. The teaching artist joins the classroom for 45-60 min once per day for 1-week. During that time students will experience using the theatrical tools of body, voice, mind, and imagination to explore the chosen curricular area and express their understanding of it through an original presentation at the school.
We also offer various Field Trip opportunities throughout the year. You can see current and upcoming opportunities [here].
“Your program is one of, if not THE best outside program that I have had students participate in over all my years of teaching!” - a 6th grade Teacher
“Two things we’re always working on in the classroom are collaboration and self-control. This program addressed both these issues.” - a 5th grade Teacher
“I loved it so much! I can’t believe I was able to perform in front of all those people!” - a 4th grade student